2 Quarters Down, 2 More to go

Well 2nd Quarter was quite the journey to say the least. I performed pretty well this quarter despite all the struggles  and challenges that I faced . I feel quite happy that I learned a lot. Well enough about that let’s talk  about what I learned this quarter. During last quarter I learned about HTML short for Hypertext Mark-up Language. We learned how to code and use the basic commands of html. From changing  font style, colour and the size, to adding background color and image.

Naturally, there were certain difficulties and problems that I had to overcome while learning, but overall, I learnt a lot. For instance, putting off writing, cramming, being unmotivated to accomplish anything, hesitating about what to write. I'm not very confident in my writing skills, therefore most of the time I struggle to come up with the correct words to write on my blog since I'm afraid it will seem weird. But happily, aside from the difficulties I just described, I had no more troubles.

Despite the challenges I encountered, I managed to identify and resolve a number of my issues. For instance, taking notes to help me remember and review the material we have just covered, making the most of my time to avoid having to cram, keeping my cool and trying not to worry too much about the outcome, and motivating myself to work harder so that I can move forward and face the challenges that lie ahead. 

Moving forward, I plan to give my all in the last remaining quarters of grade 10. In order to overcome the next hurdles and gain more knowledge, I plan to be more dedicated and work harder than I did the previous quarter. I'm confident that I'll be able to get through this with the aid of my friends and classmates. That is why I will continue to try my best in order to progress and, one day, attain my objectives.


Chan, Enrique Matthew V. Jr. 2 Quarters Down, 2 More to go. Blogger. 2024.



